12 Things Anyone Who Went To UNIBEN Will Understand Perfectly.

Getting into UNIBEN is the first struggle to earning a degree; while lectures, hostel living, night class and graduation just take their turns in the whole struggle. Anyone who went to UNIBEN have most definitely been made stronger by the experiences they gathered from there. There are some things that happen in UNIBEN that probably don’t happen in other Nigerian universities and the experiences are just priceless.I will be taking you down memory lane if you attended UNIBEN but if you didn’t then this piece will interest you....

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Visiting hours: This is the only time when guys are allowed into girls hostel and vice versa. Between 4pm and 6pm, people switch back to the conventional way of life. Things like shot-putting and bathing outside is put on hold until when the visitors leave.

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Bed space:When hostels are open for students to apply, everyone rushes to apply so they can get bed space. First year and final year students are those guaranteed to get and its a game of luck and chance for those students not in their first or final year. Therefore, if they are interested in staying in the hostel, they have to buy from those students, who got but have no intentional of staying. Here, bed space could cost as much as a land in Lekki, no Joke.

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Night class: This usually begins on the first day of resumption. Reading room and night class pick up immediately. UNIBEN students can read for Africa but then you wonder where the E’s and F’s come from considering the way they read.

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Lecturer’s threat: Some lecturer’s feel like demigods on campus. Every faculty has its own ‘sadist’ lecturer. From taking attendance to selling pamphlets for as much as N1,500 to just marking you down no matter what you write are common practises of some lecturers. Sometimes you hear, ‘buying this books already gives you 40marks’.

When the class is full but the lecturer hasn’t shown up yet. You want to leave but you can’t because he might step in and take attendance and you honestly don’t want stories that touch.

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Ekosodin: They’ll instill respect and good behaviour in you. You learn how to greet your neighbours in Ekosodin whether you like it or not except you have plans of moving into the hostel or BDPA. In fact, before falling in love with a girl staying in Ekosodin, you have to do your research properly because your parents won’t forgive you if you end up dying for love.

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Jackers: Anyone who went to UNIBEN most definitely met the students that jack for hours but would never agree that they jack and the non jackers who always claim to be jacking but just go to night class to sleep. Either so they don’t feel bad that their mates are reading at night class and they are busy sleeping or just to paint the wrong picture.
